ES2 - The best synth I've ever used.
Logic Pro has totally blown me away. I've only had it 3 days and I can honestly say I'm gob smacked. I've been using computer sequencing packages since Steinberg made Pro 16 for the Commodore 64 way way back in pre history. I think it was during the late Pleistocene Era that early copies of this software were released - or it may have been 1985 but whenever it was it came on a floppy disc considerably larger than a dinner plate.

Impressive eh?
Anyway in it's day Pro 16 was a masterpiece of software, in 2006 the same can be said of Logic Pro. I've just spent the last 5 hours or so in the company of the ES2
SoftSynth and it has pushed all MY creative buttons. Ridiculously expressive sounds, and fat as f**k. I know synths are subjective (what isn't?) but since this is my blog I'm allowed my opinion ;)
Just for the sake of balance though here's a few of the synths I've been lucky enough to own (or have borrowed on extended loan) so you get an idea of the competition....
These are "Real" synths not Soft:
- Korg - MS10
- Korg - MS20
- Roland - Jupiter 6
- Roland - Jupiter 8
- Roland - Juno 6
- Roland - TB303
- Sequential Circuits - Pro One
- Sequential Circuits - Pro Five
- Yamaha - DX7
- Yamaha - DX9
- Korg - Poly 800
- Korg - PolySix
- Casio - CZ101
- Korg - M1
- Korg - Wavestation
- Korg - Trinity V3
- Novation - BassStation
- Roland - MC202
- Roland - SH101 x2
- Access - Virus C
And more soft synths than you can shake a stick at including recently Albino 2, Absynth 3, Reaktor, Halion, Moog Modular - you get the picture. It was fun thinking about all the bits of kit I've had tho' :)
And I can honestly say, that easily the ES2 blows 'em all away. There are quite a few SoftSynths bundled with Logic Pro all of them pretty damn cool but the ES2...... well...... so good I needed to rant!
For me the whole point of any bit of Pro Audio gear - be it Hardware or Software is "Does it help me create?" Because let's remember boys and girls - that's the whole point. Creating. The creative process. Writing a kick ass tune. I don't want to spend days (or years) with a bit of kit that doesn't make me want to play it.
It's like when I moved from Windoze to OSX last year, suddenly I wanted to create again. I didn't spend hours (days, weeks, months - let's face it - Years, "fixing" things on my PC. I used my computer for what I bought it for - creating. Logic was the next logical (pun intended) step. Cubase is great, Ableton & Reason cool as..... but seriously folks as they now say in Talamanca:
"Once you go Mac - you never go back" :)
Peace & Love
Miguel (Mac Freak) Ramirez