Ah - Space. A night club that opens during the day. A place full of happy, ridiculously friendly, mind blowingly gorgeous clubbers: all on the same vibe, all up for a great time, all TOTALLY into the MUSIC. Does it get any better? Well no actually it doesn't.

We'd arrived back home after a brief visit to the UK sorting sh*t out. After arriving 6 hours late thanks to Jet2 (or is that Shat2?) we'd missed lunch, our evening meal and our favourite part of Space Sundays (the day!). My head was thumping since all I'd had to eat all day was a packet of crisps & a danish. Not to be deterred we quickly showered, changed and headed for sustenance. One of our favourite places to eat in Talamanca is the Andalucia - it's a bar / cafe just down the road from the
Lux Isla that's very popular with the locals (the photo's from last year and it's out of season - it's busier than this normally!) The owners are truly Ibicencan - warm & friendly and the food is just amazing. After a stunning meal that really hit the spot (food always tastes even better when you're really hungry don't you think?) we walked into town, grabbed a taxi and headed to

Coincidently - mmmm how does this work? Wooly (Paul Woolford aka Bobby Peru) was on the same Shat2 flight we were on. I'd met Paul briefly in my previous life when I worked in Leeds, he'd just finished a 6 hour back to back set with Ralph (Lawson) at Basics and had gone straight from there to the airport. He wasn't playing 'till 11pm and we thought we'd catch his set easily. Unfortunately due to the delays by the time we got there we'd missed him. Having said that we spent most of the night in / on the Terrace (Wooly was playing in the Main Room with Jeff Mills).

"Shit here isn't it?" said a lovely friendly fella to me with a huge grin on his face. Beautiful Baleric people were rhythmically bouncing and shaking to dirty, chunky house music. Everywhere you looked your eye caught another's. Smiles beamed back and forth, stunningly dressed clubbers were getting hot & sweaty wherever you looked. Space is COSMOPOLITAN - no question. You dance, mingle & socialise with people from every conceivable corner of the world. The phrase Global Underground was coined to describe this feeling. There are millions of like minded people getting together every weekend and having a great time. Language is no barrier, sexuality is no barrier, colour & creed is no barrier. I believe Music truly is the Global Language.
Space always works it's magic, every time we go we feel reborn. Our favourite club - definately.
Peace & Love to everyone there that night. Wooly - we'll catch you next week :)
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