"Coincidence literally describes two or more events or entities occupying the same point in space or time, but colloquially means two or more events or entities possessing unexpected parallels, such as thinking about someone and then receiving an unexpected phone call from that person, when it is clear that there is no ordinary causal connection.
The index of coincidence can be used to analyse whether two events are related. A coincidence does not prove a relationship, but related events may be expected to have a higher index of coincidence. From a statistical perspective, coincidences are inevitable and often less remarkable than they may appear intuitively. The odds that two people share a birthday, for example, reaches 50% with a group of just 22 [1] (see the Birthday paradox)."

We were not disappointed. The reviews of this film have varied considerably. In fact some would say they have polarised quite dramatically - all depends on your point of view (as with anything). We loved it. Having seen quite a few documentaries recently on the "War on Terror" the film really resonated. As the old saying goes "One man's Terrorist is another man's Freedom Fighter."
But it was the script that got me, the "obsession" with coincidences and the fact that when I "wiki'd" the word "coincidence" the film was one of the two external references that was listed - this has now changed unfortunately (you've gotta love wiki updates) but it still blew me away, especially as we'd been discussing the amazing string of coincidences that has led us to our current position. It really is quite simple I suppose - when you spell it out in black & white - is there a point to life? A purpose?
Or is it just chance?
A purpose to your / my existence?
Or just a bunch of atoms and chemicals that after billions of years of randomly mutating finally manage to come together in a structure that can actually contemplate their own existence?

Richard "Dick" Dawkins recently appeared on Newsnight and was interviewed by Paxman - Dick ended the interview with the classic slip up of all slip ups "I don't believe we are put here to be comfortable.." He's got a new book out and was basically whoring it and misrepresenting Einstein to justify his own narrow minded beliefs. I love scientists that will basically ignore any facts that do not support their own point of view - defiantly defending the paradigm against an overwhelming weight of evidence to the contrary. That's not Science Dick - that's "belief" - "faith" if you like - a word you have problems with. Makes you realise what Copernicus was up against when he valiantly tried to tell the "scientists" of many a year ago they were wrong.

Much, much, much more on this later - for now Hasta Luego
Cue Track 2 "Vurt"
Peace & Love
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