Well a month in - and now it really feels like home. A few things have cemented the feeling I suppose, my first gig (full track listing available soon), my painfully slow (but progressing & I'm loving it) attempt to learn the language, new friends, a far healthier diet, a beautiful climate, mind blowing scenery, amazingly friendly locals, a creative vibe like I've never felt before, a really tanned ridiculously chilled happy fella looking back at me in the mirror, cuatro gatos (4 cats) mellowed out in the garden basking in the sun on a daily basis, the sound of the sea, the beach only a minutes walk away, breathtaking sunrises, awe inspiring sunsets; and I get to share all this with my
"Heart Amplifier", my beautiful wife - the Jinster - or Juanita as she is now known.

I'm not sure exactly what happened to really drive the fact "home" that this beautiful Island, is now my "home", but I feel different, and I love it. Sitting on the roof terrace watching the sun set behind the D'Alt Villa gave me goosebumps earlier this evening. When I got up early a couple of days ago to watch my first Ibicencan sunrise I felt tears behind my eyes as the sun slowly rose up "out" of the sea I was that happy. When the days first rays of sunlight hit my skin it was like a drug rush, truly beautiful. I said my thanks to "The Old One" and watched in wonder.
We have a new connection to "The Hub" so postings will revert to their previous frequency (almost daily!) - this one's for all my friends in the UK....
Peace & Love
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