"One state, the United States, has overstepped its national borders in every way...."
"...This is very dangerous. Nobody feels secure any more because nobody can hide behind international law," Putin said. "This is nourishing an arms race with countries seeking to obtain nuclear weapons... We're witnessing the untrammelled use of the military in international affairs... Why is it necessary to bomb and to shoot at every opportunity?"
Probably because the current Idiot-in-Charge (Commander-In-Chief) sees himself as some sort of Cowboy Gunslinger out to cleanse the world of all it's Bad Guys, this obviously is done with true Christian Compassion by blowing the shit out of them. I remember reading in the Bible that Jesus had an Uzi and rode around on an Aircraft Carrier, that's definately in there somewhere I'm sure. "Suffer the Little Children..." well the Idiot-In-Charge is certainly making that happen, no doubt. I'm sure Jesus would approve. Wouldn't he?
Strange that a man so fond of thumping the Bible and quoting God, invading countries left right & centre (only if populated by 'brown folks' though let's make that clear) and unleashing Weapons Of Mass Destruction at EVERY available opportunity should have been so cowardly when it was his turn to fight. Making up for it now though, happy enough to send lots of other peoples' sons and daughters to kill brown children. Oh yes. You don't get congress approval for a $622 billion budget then not have fun spending it on highly advanced technology to maim, blind, slaughter, burn, cripple and kill.
The Idiot-In-Charge pays no heed to International Law, Pre-Emptive strikes are now the order of the day. Evidence? Who needs it? "Nuke 'Em All" it's the Christian way to Peace and Democracy. Don't like that Government? Overthrow it. Want some Oil or other natural resource? Invade the country, blow the living crap out of it's infrastructure then charge them $Trillions to rebuild it. Send in your buddy to steal a few $Billion, assign the "rebuilding contracts" to your other pals. The Vice Idiot-In-Charge can hardly manage to spend all the cash he gets in kick backs from his old company but I'm sure it's great fun trying, that's when he has time to go shopping, after all shooting people in the face must be a full time job for that idiot.
And now we're being told that the "highest levels" of the Iranian government is supplying Iraqi insurgents with sophisticated roadside bombs. The evidence? Well none actually, but hey when has that ever mattered? I'm sure they can find a "video" somewhere, maybe a passport to persuade the doubters. Come on let's get behind this, whatever you need I'm sure we can find. Let's go! I mean how dare another Country meddle in Iraq's affairs?

—Noam Chomsky, "Preventive War 'The Supreme Crime': Iraq: invasion that will live in infamy", August, 11, 2003.
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