Thursday, July 12, 2007

There is No Spoon


"You only have a finite amount of time and a finite amount of energy. Make sure you use it positively."

Quote Mike Throup

Never a truer word said. Don't focus on the negative my brothers and sisters, life is way too short for that. Don't be distracted by the world of the ten thousand things. Focus on the positive, let your love shine through.

Negative influences, places, thoughts and even sometimes people need to be let go. You'll never achieve your purpose if you let negative clutter distract you.

Remember there is no spoon.....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

could this be hedonistic? to remember the spoon that could be replaced with a being effected by our actions negitively? or is this negitive clutter itself to think so? is it negative to be constantly aware of our inflictions on those around us. is it right to focus only on the positive of each action rather than the consequental negative? Is our own subjective consceince the only one that exists?

not attacking, just asking :)