Monday, September 25, 2006

New Album: Track Complete - "No More Working For The Man"

If the Jinster says "That's the best track I've heard all night.." and you've been playing all the usual suspects (Jesse Rose, Swag, Riton, etc etc) you know you've got a winner on your hands. That was the enviable position I found myself in on Wednesday. Now I know the girls' biased, but she knows her shit - no doubt.

I must admit I was that wasted after a beautiful night at the man like Spencer's place, and it just hadn't occurred to me to play it. I'd finished it 2 days previous (18th) but with all the excitement (and stress) of the move - this is my last Monday in the UK by the way - it didn't occur to me to cue it up. I'd been caning it to death over the past few days while performing the final edits, but hadn't heard it as a listener does. Aphex's "Window Licker" was currently gracing the system and as you may or may not know that is a very well produced slice of Electronica - not an easy act to follow.....

Cue No More Working For The Man

Ah. Whoa... F*ck me that kick drum punches a hole in your stomach! And it builds, and it builds... the little percussive noises wildly over produced to shake your senses. The drops, the timing seeming to catch you unaware, the wide encompassing fullness of the sounds... synths that sound like no other instrument, generating noises and tones that could only possibly be electronic in nature - but not sounding like other synths. It's always a pleasure, a real pleasure to hear your own music "fresh". You listen with virgin ears..... it's a bizarre feeling because you know you wrote the tune, but you really can hear it like it's the first time. It was like that for me on Wednesday - or should I say early Thursday morning.

Love it.

I really think I'm doing the best work I've ever done right now. That's a beautiful place to be for any artist, and I thank God / Allah / The Old One / My Spirit Guides / Gaia / Thor / Zeus and the Flying Spaghetti Monster (thanks Mr Dawkins) / The Tao / The Undefinable Absolute / The list goes on / for making it possible. "No More Working For The Man" has something to say... I'm proud to say it's my work.

The story of how the track came to be is a coincidental tour de force. As is the entire album so far, but much much more on that later. First of all I must thank the amazing Alex Jones about whom Greg Palast states:

"This guy is a national treasure, a light breaking through the electronic Berlin Wall of the US media establishment."

True enough. Alex is also passionate & committed to what he believes. Fox News do not like him very much, they like John Connor even less. If I worked for Fox and I was screening calls for Hannity & Colmes and a call from San Diego came in from a bloke called John - I'd be worried. Not that I'd ever work for Fox and IMHO Hannity & Colmes are indeed Gatekeepers of the highest order. Which is exactly what John Connor calls them. One of the many tracks currently in progress for the new album was this one, already titled "No More Working For The Man" and started the same day as this post. I needed a vocal for the track and had toyed with some Bush samples and some gems of wisdom from Chomsky on Corporations, but after hearing Hannity admit again and again that "I'm working for the man" it really was a coincidence too far. So I fired him into the EXS24 and before you could say "Pawn & Puppet of the Illuminati" the track was complete....

Currently this will be track 3 on the album. I'll post to the hub asap.

For now and for reference and because you need to see it, check

Alex Jones and
John Connor

Peace & Love



Anonymous said...

Hey Migz,

Congrats on finishing the track. Would there be any change of listening to a sample?

Miguel Ramirez said...

Hey Brooksy :)

Consider it done.

Peace Migz