Monday, November 13, 2006

Why Work?

"The 40-hour workweek is the bane of civilization. It is a cancer which eats at the human spirit, until the only thing left is an over-weight, underachieving, prime-time addicted android which vaguely resembles a man, yet lacks the exuberance and creativity that is seen so clearly in the eyes of a child. Society takes humans and turns them into workforce-robots. We are the most recent incarnation of the Stepford generation. We've been literally brainwashed into believing that a strong "work ethic" is a virtue, which will somehow magically infuse us with a sense of pride and accomplishment. This is the most pathetic load of dung I've ever heard. Has anyone ever stopped to consider the possibility that if humans had more time to devote to ourselves, we might not need to artificially instill ourselves with false pride, based on the magnitude of our bank books, but rather on our intellectual and spiritual accomplishments. I can not count the times I have met some so-called "successful person", only to find that he or she possessed the I.Q. of sewer rat, with values to match. These types can usually be found congregating in and around government offices and state capitals.

Material wealth is not an indicator of one's success on this earth; happiness is, at least for me. Don't get me wrong, I love money. I adore it and all the things it can attain, but not at the expense of my soul. I believe true fulfillment can only come by being brutally honest with yourself, and staying true to oneself. Being forced to wake up each morning at an un-godly hour and mindlessly conform to a society which is suffering from acute brain atrophy is certainly not the path to self-fulfillment. There has to be a better way. Do I have the answer? No, but at least I have recognized the problem, and surely that is the first step towards rectification."

Craig Mannelli

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